Saturday, June 30, 2012

Log on for Life Syllabus

Here's the new syllabus for the Log-on-for-Life series, held in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Church of Oakbrook, 31st and York, 10 - 11a.m., beginning July 12.

TEXT: George MacDonald, At the Back of the North Wind.  Anamchara Books.

DESCRIPTION: We will be reading discussing together what is perhaps George MacDonald’s most successful mythic tale, the children’s story At the Back of the North Wind.  It is the story of the nocturnal adventures of the child Diamond, a London cabman’s son who, in dreams occurring during periods of illness, is visited by the beautiful and mysteriously supernatural North Wind.   She takes him with her, sheltered amidst her long and lovely hair, as she performs providential errands, some of which excite Diamond’s dismay.  But to be at North Wind’s back is to be in tune with the nature of things, to see and know that God in his loving purposes oversees the creation of both prosperity and adversity in people’s lives (Isa 45:7), and that “although he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love, for he does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone” (Lam. 3:32, 33).  

Beyond the charm of the story itself is the manner in which it instills within readers’ minds solidly Christian attitudes of faith, trust, and joy in the face of life’s inevitable realities of adversity and death.   It is a story for children, but adults find deep fascination in contemplating the manner in which MacDonald affirms and makes attractive Biblically commended positive responses to events which cause unbelieving minds so much dismay. One’s spiritual life cannot but be greatly enriched by a careful consideration of this text.

To appreciate the quality of MacDonald’s mythic art, read the story first imaginatively, not simply intellectually, as though the text were a puzzle to be solved.  Put yourself in the place of a child and consider how a child would react.  Allow the truths embedded in the narrative to quietly  “come in the back door” of the mind, so to speak, before contemplating them.


July 12: Introduction; Chapter 1.

19: Chapters 2 - 8

26: Chapters 9 - 16

August 2: Chapters 17 -24

9: Chapters 25 - 29

16: Chapters 30 - end.